
GlaceEMR v4.5 CMS ID #30000001SXNPEAS

GlaceEMR v5.0 CMS ID #A014E01GWFK8EAB

Transparency Disclosure Certified EHR Software Designed to Improve your Billing Process

GlaceEMR is an ONC Certified Transparency Disclosure Stage1 and Stage 2 Complete EHR.

GlaceEMR was one of the first 7 EHR certified for Stage 2 Transparency Disclosure as a Complete EHR and the 1st EHR to certify for ALL 64 QMS.

GlaceEMR integrates clinical documentation including hundreds of specialty templates and practice management software features to provide you cleaner billing claim submission information for improved claim collection results. When part of a Glenwood billing module there is a two way flow of patient collection information allowing your office to improve your collection rates.

Our goal is to provide your Medical Practice, Surgical Center or Hospital with the technology to

  • Improve Patient Outcomes
  • Improve Patient Satisfaction
  • Reduce Cost

To learn more about the features and cost of GlaceEMR click here

"This GlaceEMRSM Version 4.5 by Glenwood Systems LLC is 2011/2012 compliant and has been certified by the ONC-ATCB, in accordance with the applicable certification criteria for Eligible Providers adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments."

Register for the CMS EHR Incentive Program using Glenwood's CMS ID:


Date Certified:


Our Unique Certification ID:CC-1112-347100-1 Complete EHR Quality Measures Certified:NQF 0421, NQF 0013, NQF 0028, NQF 0041, NQF 0024, NQF 0038, NQF 0059, NQF 0061 and NQF 0064 Self Attested Additional Software Used in Testing:

EHR Component NameProduct NameProduct VersionSupplier




170.302(a), 170.302(b), 170.302(d), 170.302(e), 170.302(m)

Multum Lexi-Data




Java SE 6.0 Security-SHA-512



Java SE 6.0 Security-AES



Adobe SVG Viewer, OR Compatible SVG Viewer Browser Plug-in


Criteria Successfully Demonstrated in Addition to Security and Privacy:

All Criteria for this Domain (EP)